Episodes 136 - to present

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Terminus Victor

Episode 136

Frankie Carvahlo /

When the COVID pandemic started sweeping over the world in 2020, it took many lives and impacted the way of life for most of us. Some worked from home, some sat on the couch and binge-watched Netflix and others took the time to develop a creative side they didn’t know they had; like cooking and crafting skills. Well, today’s podcast guest took that time to become an accomplished lyricist. She’s Frankie Carvalho, Someone You Should Know.

Update: This podcast was recorded before Christmas. I learned that Frankie had a stroke on Christmas Day and is currently recovering. Please use her Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter/X links found in the show notes to send your thoughts and well wishes.  Get Well Soon, Frankie. From everyone here at the Someone You Should Know Podcast. 

Terminus Victor

Episode 137

 Marcus Leinweber - Tenderhooks

It's a mini-British invasion this week on the Someone You Should Know Podcast. Our guest in Episode 136 was from London and today's guest is just down the motorway in Brighton and Hove.  This band just released their  10th album and we will hear a sample of that and a lot more as I introduce you to Tenderhooks.  My guest is their founder and keyboardist (and actor), Markus Leinweber. He is Someone You Should Know.

Terminus Victor

Episode 138

 Mae McCoy and Her Neon Stars

Today's podcast guest hails from Sacramento, California. She and Her Neon Stars Band began in 2008. and since then she’s been bringing Western Swing and Honky Tonk to Northern California.  As the Vice President of the Western Swing Society & Hall of Fame inductee, she passionately champions the preservation of this rich musical heritage. She Mae McCoy and she’s Someone You Should Know.

Terminus Victor

Episode 139

Geri Petito - Internet Radio Show Host / Author

Have you ever met a member of the Internet Radio Hall of Fame?  On today's episode, you will. She's a "Jane of All Trades" from radio host to poet and author to a Recovery and Nutritional Health Coach. She's known as the "Jersey Jewel." She's Geri Petito and she's "Someone You Should Know."

Terminus Victor

Episode 140

John "Records" Landecker / Radio Legend

John Records Landecker is an iconic radio personality, who stands as a true legend in the broadcasting realm. With a career spanning over five decades, his distinctive voice and charismatic presence have left an indelible mark on the airwaves. Renowned for his wit and engaging storytelling, he effortlessly connects with listeners, making every broadcast a memorable experience. His illustrious journey includes stints at powerhouse stations like WLS in Chicago, where his innovative Top 40 format revolutionized radio. In this podcast episode, we'll discuss the origins of "Can I Get a Witness News," "Americana Panorama," and his legendary "Boogie Check." John Records Landecker is truly Someone You Should Know.

Terminus Victor

Episode 141

Vince Tricarico - Drummer/ The Rush Experience

 I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again I am a fan of tribute bands. today’s Someone You Should Know Podcast guest may have the most difficult part for any musician in any tribute band because the role he portrays is that of what many consider to be one of the greatest rock drummers of all time. that man was the late great, Neal Peart of the band Rush.  my guest is in an incredible tribute band called The Rush Experience. He's drummer, Vince Tricarico and he's Someone You Should Know.

Terminus Victor

Episode 142

Tootsie Barron - Author

Discover the magical literary world of today's podcast guest.  She is a versatile storyteller who effortlessly crafts enchanting tales for both children and adults. From children's stories to the graphic account of her life  of being the wife of a "wise guy."  She's Tootsie Barron and She's Someone You Should. Know.

Terminus Victor

Episode 143

 Jennifer Alvarado - Award Winning Songwriter

Can you remember what you were doing when you were four years old?  Well today's Someone You Should Know podcast guest was already writing songs at age 4. She was leading worship in her church as a teen. Since then she's become an award-winning singer-songwriter and she has some great music to share. She's Jennifer Alvarado, and she's Someone You Should Know.

Terminus Victor

Episode 144

Olivia Newton John and Anne Murray Tribute

"Step into a musical time capsule with a tribute act that brilliantly blends the enchanting melodies of Olivia Newton-John and Anne Murray. This captivating trio of vocalists,  channeling the essence of these legendary pop/country superstars, delivers a nostalgic journey through their greatest hits. Beyond the tribute, discover the remarkable solo careers of these talented ladies, each a star in her own right. The tribute is called  "I Honestly Love You, A Tribute to Olivia Newton-John and Anne Murray." Joining me from the band are Jana Anderson, Lisa Keith Bernard, and Tara Brueske. These three ladies are Someone You Should Know.

Terminus Victor

Episode 145

Todd Barrow
Musician / Actor

Have you ever noticed when God wants something specifically for you, you can't avoid it? Case in point for today's podcast guest. he gave up on a music career and started another career. Then one faithful day, destiny took a hand and he ended up making a connection with a Texas music legend who said you need to be recording country music.  You'll learn all about his new musical journey, as I introduce you to Todd Barrow, Someone You Should Know.

Terminus Victor

Episode 146

Bill Clevlen -Travel Author


Embark on a musical journey with a radio brother, turned travel author, as he crisscrosses America in search of iconic music locales. From the birthplaces of blues to legendary recording studios, join the adventure and discover the soulful roots that shape America's melodic history with Bill Clevlen, Someone You Should Know.

Terminus Victor

Episode 147

Alice Nelson - Raising Country Star

Today's podcast guest is a rising country star hailing from Basin, Alabama. With a voice that echoes the soul of the South, Alice has captured hearts and accolades alike, earning her well-deserved recognition in the country music scene. Her powerful performances and heartfelt lyrics have garnered awards, solidifying her status as a standout young talent. Keep an eye on this Alabama gem named Alice Nelson, because she's Someone You Should Know.

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