Episodes 147 - 159

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Terminus Victor

Episode 148

Anastacia Armstrong 

Today you will meet a talented musician from Oregon who dared to escape the corporate grind in pursuit of her true passion. Breaking free from the confines of a soul-crushing contract, she now crafts music that resonates with her inner being. Her melodies are not just notes; they're a manifestation of freedom and authenticity. Through her journey, she inspires us to prioritize our passions over conformity, creating a symphony of self-discovery that transcends the corporate rat race.  She's my friend Anastacia Armstrong, and she's Someone You Should Know.

Terminus Victor

Episode 149

Michael Rose / Bad Horse

If you're a Bob Seger fan you've got to check out today's podcast guest. You'd swear he was channeling Bob. He's a retired Idaho firefighter turned full-time rocker. From battling blazes to igniting the stage, this talented guy brings the same passion to music. His gritty vocals and leadership skills, honed for years, resonate in each performance with his band Bad Horse. Embodying the spirit of resilience, his journey from flames to fame is a testament to the transformative power of pursuing one's true passions. I'm happy to introduce, Michael Rose, Someone You Should Know.

Terminus Victor

Episode 150

 Beth Holli - Award-Winning Country Artist

Can you imagine being an aspiring teenage country girl who gets asked by legendary country performer Dottie West to climb onboard her bus and join her on tour? It happened to today's podcast guest.  She juggled school, country music, and nursing before going full circle to focus on country music again.  Since then she's won several awards and has some great music to share. She's the delightful Beth Holli and she's Someone You Should Know.

Terminus Victor

Episode 151

William Yeske - 
Military Author

As many of you already know I'm retired Air Force and I love helping fellow veterans. On this episode, you'll meet a combat veteran turned author, and entrepreneur dedicated to supporting his fellow veterans. Through his experiences on the battlefield, he has channeled his resilience into writing a compelling account of a 2010 deployment in Afghanistan that the media didn’t talk about, and the government doesn’t acknowledge.  His name is William Yeske and he's Someone You Should Know.

Terminus Victor

Episode 152

Alex Kasznel & 
the Board of Directors

Can scientists rock?  Well, the answer is yes, if you're talking about Alex Kasznel and his Cincinnati area band The Board of Directors.  Their music is quirky, catchy, and very good. Their new EP "Parachute" dropped last December and we'll feature several cuts from it.  So let me introduce you to bassist, Heather Sampanis, drummer Andrew Gable, and Alex on guitar and lead vocals,  they are Someone You Should Know.

Terminus Victor

Episode 153

Kimberly Ward - Singer/Songwriter

Today's podcast guest is a multi-genre songwriter, who’s been making a name for herself. She was a finalist in the best gospel song category in the World Songwriting Awards and also a finalist in the Best Alternative Song category winner of 2023. She’s been nominated for  ISSA awards for Vocalist of the Year, Rising Star, and Songwriter of the Year. Some nice accolades from my guest Kimberly Ward, she's Someone You Should Know.

Terminus Victor

Episode 154

Diana Kouprina - Author

Today on the podcast is a Russian-born author crafting enchanting children's tales in her newfound American home. At the age of 9, she faced the challenges of assimilation and navigating a new language and culture. Through perseverance, she has triumphed over adversity, drawing inspiration from her journey to create heartwarming stories that resonate with young readers. Her book is called "The Adventures of the Girl With Pink Hair. "She's author, Diana Kouprina and she's Someone You Should Know.

Terminus Victor

Episode 155

Tim Larson Interviews Me on Storyteller's Studio Podcast

The tables are turned as friend and fellow podcaster, Tim Larson, interviews yours truly for his Story Teller's Podcast.  This was recorded on location, on an icy day in January,  at Maxim's Restaurant, in Merrillville, Indiana. Tim and I interviewed each other,  with Tim sharing his time at WROK in Rockford, IL and me sharing all the lies I've amassed since I became an announcer in 1978.  It's a nice long one so sit back, grab a cold one (or two), and join two radio guys, interviewing one another. 

Terminus Victor

Episode 156

Kyle Wiltshire - 
Dead Rock Stars Book


What if Elvis Presley faked his death and became a secret agent? What about Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, or Kurt Cobain? These plausibilities are explored in a great fictional book that delves into a parallel universe where dead rock stars now protect the world from evil forces.  The book is "The Dead Rock Stars." Joining me on the podcast is one of its authors, Kyle Wiltshire. Kyle is Someone You Should Know.

Terminus Victor

Episode 157

Frank Sintich Musician/Promoter

How'd you spend your winter?  Today's podcast guest was busy all winter working on new music.  He was part of the Chicagoland concert scene for over 27 years.  Now when he's not making music, he's promoting concerts in NW Indiana and SW Michigan. He's my buddy, Frank Sintich. And Frank is Someone You Should Know.

Terminus Victor

Episode 158

Donald Dunn U.S. Army Retired / Podcaster

As many of you know, I'm an Air Force retiree, and I love helping people, especially fellow veterans. Today's podcast guest retired from the US Army and is dedicating his time to helping fellow veterans. He has a podcast show, several radio stations, and several programs, exclusively for and about veterans.  He's Donald Dunn, and he's Someone You Should Know.

Terminus Victor

Episode 159

Catherine Gairard - Harpist


Our podcast guest for this episode joins us from Paraguay, in South America.  She's a self-trained success story who perfected her skills by watching online videos and countless hours of practice.  She's a skilled harpist and her music is bold and powerful. She's the lovely Catherine  Gairard and she's Someone You Should Know.

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