Our Most Recent Episodes

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Terminus Victor

Episode 173

 Kathy Bell "Ma Bell"

Step into a world where fun, mischief, music, and laughter collide with Ma Bell, the vivacious onstage persona of today's podcast guest. With a mix of charm and wit, Ma Bell embodies the spirit of "You're Never Too Old to Dream." Her performances are an invitation to embrace joy, celebrate life, and revel in the magic of music. Join Ma Bell on her whimsical journey, where every moment is filled with endless possibilities and contagious laughter. Kathy Bell is the brains behind Ma Bell and she is Someone You Should Know.

Terminus Victor

Episode 174

Demi Michelle - Songwriter Author/ Podcast Host

Do you have that one friend that can do it all?  My guest this time on the podcast is a talented lady who is not only an Award-Winning songwriter and  Recording Artist, but also an Author of Young Adult Fiction, and an Award-Nominated Podcast host. This multi-talented lady is Demi Michelle, she's Someone You Should Know.

Terminus Victor

Episode 175

Frank Ruvoli - From Baseball Dreams to Musical Realities

In the heart of every all-American boy beats the rhythm of a dream - for this podcast guest that dream was to be part of America's favorite pastime: baseball.

However, fate had a different plan in store. A career-ending injury threatened to shatter his dreams, but instead, it opened the door to a new passion - music. Like a late blooming flower, he discovered his musical talent when he purchased his buddy's guitar during his college-years. His journey into music began humbly, learning cover songs from YouTube tutorials. Yet, within a year and a half, fueled by the growing confidence in his abilities, he took the leap into crafting his own melodies and lyrics. It was the start of a remarkable transformation for Frank Ruvoli, Someone You Should Know.

Terminus Victor

Episode 176

Julian Shah-Tayler  Musician Extraordinaire

Enter the realm of musical brilliance with today's podcast guest., He is a multifaceted artist whose talent knows no bounds. Renowned for his mesmerizing portrayal of David Bowie on stage, Julian captures the essence of the iconic star with uncanny precision and raw energy. Beyond his captivating performances, his prowess as a skilled keyboardist elevates every composition to new heights, infusing each note with passion and soul. As a solo artist, he effortlessly commands the stage, weaving intricate melodies that leave audiences spellbound. With a blend of charisma, innovation, and sheer talent, Julian Shah-Taylor is truly Someone You Should Know.

Terminus Victor

Episode 177

Teri M Brown - Author, Podcaster and Cyclist

On this episode, you'll meet a multi-talented author with a passion for storytelling and empathy. From homeschooling four children while writing nonfiction self-help books on real estate and finance.  Then transitioning to fiction, crafting compelling narratives like "Sunflowers Beneath the Snow" and "An Enemy Like Me," exploring historical events with a focus on understanding and compassion. You; 'll also hear about an inspiring journey that extends beyond writing, including a transformative 3102-mile tandem bicycle ride across the US, raising $34K for charity, and hosting podcasts. That amazing lady is Teri M, Brown, Someone You Should Know.

Terminus Victor

Episode 178

Roy Hamilton Jr / His Father's Music Lives On

In the realm of music, legacies aren't just stories; they're living melodies echoing through generations. Roy Hamilton Jr., with heartfelt reverence, continues his father's musical legacy through captivating tribute shows titled "The Legacy Continues." Honoring the timeless classics of his father, Roy Hamilton Sr., "the “Golden Boy of Song.” These shows aren't mere performances; they're profound journeys through history, melody, and emotion. Roy Jr.'s voice, reminiscent of his father's rich timbre, seamlessly intertwines with each note, evoking nostalgia and admiration. Through "The Legacy Continues," Roy Hamilton Jr. doesn't just sing; he orchestrates a beautiful ode to his father, ensuring that his music resonates eternally. Roy Hamilton Jr is Someone You Should Know.

Terminus Victor

Episode 179

Benidito King - Remembering Ben E. King

Benidito King's life is a testament to the power of music to transcend adversity. Born into a legacy of talent as the son of the iconic Ben E. King and mentored by the legendary Josephine Baker, his journey was not without challenges. Raised by his great-grandparents in Cleveland, Ohio, Benidito's early immersion in music ignited a passion that shaped his resilience.

Through his original songs and tribute shows to his father, Benidito weaves a narrative of his life's trials and triumphs, garnering global acclaim. Benidito's musical odyssey continues to captivate audiences worldwide, leaving an indelible mark on the industry. Benidito King is Someone You Should Know.


Terminus Victor

Episode 180

Laura Pursell - A Lady of Many Talents

Coming 6/17/24

Terminus Victor

Episode 181

Don Hammondtree - Why England Slept

Coming 6/20/24

Terminus Victor

Episode 182

Adam Minnick - Comedian/ Author

Coming 6/24/24

Terminus Victor

Episode 183

Angelo Capone 
 How Jerry Lewis Changed My Life

Coming 6/27/24

Terminus Victor

Episode 184

Federica Raschella 
Bassist for Night Blaze

Coming 7/1/24

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